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Silvestris Siberian Kittens

Contact us for availabilities

We post about our current and available kittens on our WildSibe blog and on this page. If you have any queries or are interested in owning a Siberian cat or kitten, please contact us here


Our Current Litters

We update regularly

Bronze Vistula *PL X CH Miakoschka Adriyana

Silvestris Siberians Australia: Miakoschka Kaiskaya and her litter of kittens

Miakoschka Kaiskaya

Grand CH

(Bronze Vistula*PL X Ch Miakoshka Adriyanna)

Silvestris Siberians Australia: Miakoschka Kazzimir and his litter of kittens

Miakoschka Kazzimir

ACF Sapphire AOE Ruby DGC, QICC Argyle DGC, CQI  Supreme CH, CCCA CH

CQ Platinum Dbl Grand CH & Qfa Platinum Dbl Grand CH Belshazar Von Der Selenga X Babushka Katry’na

Kaiskaya X Kazzimir

These four beautiful kittens were born on the evening of 16-08-2024. There are 3 boys and 1 girl. We're so proud of our Kaya! 

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